答:这个是媒体总结出来的调侃信息,没有真实性,不过却反应了襄樊的社会,文化,生活,经济各个层面。 1;小时候叫大头菜,现在高雅了叫孔明菜,不管怎么样其实都是咸菜 2. 诸葛亮隆中,襄樊有诸葛亮,南阳也在争诸葛亮,不管怎么样,诸葛亮已经成...
答:这个是媒体总结出来的调侃信息,没有真实性,不过却反应了襄樊的社会,文化,生活,经济各个层面。 1;小时候叫大头菜,现在高雅了叫孔明菜,不管怎么样其实都是咸菜 2. 诸葛亮隆中,襄樊有诸葛亮,南阳也在争诸葛亮,不管怎么样,诸葛亮已经成...
答:同样是精油,闻起来味道差不多,可是怎么价格差许多?有个论斤卖只要几百块,有的几cc就要上千元,到底如何检验精油的好坏呢? 天然植物萃取与化学合成品的差异 其实精油的好坏当然来自于它的来源。工业化合的当然最便宜,用来作为大量使用,例...
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He had now become an old man, and wassitting, with his old wife, under an elder-tree in full bloom He had now become an old man, and wassitting, with his old wife, under an elder-
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People would be sitting on the back porch and in the kitchen, talking and laughing, while my grandmother made dinner People would be sitting on the back porch and in the kitchen,
People would be sitting on the back porch and in the kitchen, talking and laughing, while my grandmother made dinner People would be sitting on the back porch and in the kitchen,
Murdstone and I were soon off, and trotting along on the green turf by the side of the road Murdstone and I were soon off, and trotting along on the green turf by the side of the